The Huffington Post – By: May Benatar, Ph.D., L.C.S.W. – August 11, 2012 – Mental Health Notes: Stuart Smalley and Neuroplasticity
No thought and no words that we have are without consequences. Newsflash: our thoughts impact our emotions impact how we physically feel. It’s the old bio-psycho-social, spiritual constellation that must be addressed…none in isolation. Our relentless search for tools to bring an end to suffering must address and integrate all of these components. What we say to ourselves about ourselves, and our experience in relationship to others, MATTERS. To take it to the next level, lots of new-ish and abundantly clear research demonstrates how thoughts literally change brain chemistry. So the infamous Saturday Night Live! 90’s skit featuring Stuart Smalley absurdly affirming his mirrored image actually wasn’t that far off.