The Huffington Post – Healthy Living – The Bolg – Posted: January 20, 2015
Grete DeAngelo, in her blog post “What a Month of Yoga Did for a Regular Person” highlights a powerful point of growth: keep goals attainable. And only you (often by the slugging experience of trial and error until the message sinks in) can define doable. Some cigarette smokers can give it up on a dime. Some chronically late folks can pinpoint their last late-apology to a specific day-of-decision five years earlier. Some can discover the FDA suggested food group chart and forevermore tote their kale salads to work. And then there are the rest of us. We long to improve our experience of our lives but find change elusive.
If you have not made it to more than 2 torturous Boot Camps at your gym in any re-uping cycle, your goal is not S.M.A.R.T. It was not a useful goal. Modify.
Goal attainment works similarly for internal experiences. Global goals such as “Feeling less enraged when my partner does X” or “feeling more calm in light of my frightening health diagnosis” need to be distilled into parts, obstacles understood, and addressed in those manageable and attainable parts.
15 minutes of yoga a day was, clearly, a winning goal for Grete DeAngelo. What S.M.A.R.T. goal makes sense in your life?