(202) 510-1141 Karenna Armington LICSW Karenna@ArmingtonTherapy.com

48 Things Women Hear In A Lifetime (That Men Just Don’t) – HUFFPOST WOMEN – Jessica Samakow & Oliver Noble – Published 12/08/2015


Can The White House Explode the Barbie Myth?


Michelle Obama is spearheading an initiative to challenge gender stereotypes. How can we as a nation stop perpetuating gender stereotypes when we are fundamentally unaware of how our sexist perspectives impact others? Individual comments, often misguidedly articulated with innocuous (read clueless), if not good, intention, create a culture of oppression.

In “48 Subtly Sexist Things Women Hear in a Lifetime,” The Huffington Post takes a stab at highlighting insidious cumulative sexist comments.

The message over a lifetime is clear. From an admiring adult’s words to a young girl, “YOUR DAD WILL HAVE TO CHASE THE BOYS AWAY WHEN YOU’RE OLDER, to “STOP BEING SUCH AN ATTENTION WHORE” girls and women are sexualized and minimized.

The HUFFPOST You Tube production says it all:


Don’t have opinions about important things. Don’t lead. Don’t as for too much. Don’t earn more than your partner. Prioritize your looks above your intelligence, humor, kindness or accomplishments.

In the name equal acknowledgement, though, it is important to remember that two wrongs do not make a right: our culture throws boys and men under the bus, too, with expectations of ‘manliness.” A vein of deep-seated inadequacy and shame can thrive at the root male stereotypes. Harry John posted his montage of oppressive language male-shaming statements on YouTube.


Brene Brown, the social scientist researcher, has done a good bit of work on shame and vulnerability that men suffer due to cultural expectations.