(202) 510-1141 Karenna Armington LICSW Karenna@ArmingtonTherapy.com

The NY Times – Prince Harry Says He Sought Counseling Over His Mother’s Death – By Hannah Olivennes – Published: April 17, 2017


People who have never fully confronted – and grieved – the pain of their early-on heartbreak cling to their hope that perhaps, someday, the object of their desire will be forthcoming. Adulthood can then feel like cycles of disappointment: the person before you never come to be.


There are others who, because of catastrophically shattering early-on disappointments and losses, withdraw from the world of relationship only to find themselves overwhelmed with a terrifying sense of alienation, existential angst, and harrowing loneliness. Instead of relentless hope, they experience relentless despair.


Paying attention to the intense ambivalence about remaining hidden versus being found can facilitate the emergence of moments of authentic aliveness. We can restore purpose, meaning, and direction to an existence that was otherwise desolate, impenetrable, and empty.


Prince Harry, who lost his mother at aged 12, has begun speaking about his journey from numb to alive, from flights of rage, intense partying, tours in Afghanistan, to being a champion of living life through actually engaging with the courageous task of feeling…even the awful stuff.