(202) 510-1141 Karenna Armington LICSW Karenna@ArmingtonTherapy.com

The Huffington Post – The 12 Things Sigmund Freud Got Right – Blake Fleetwod – Posted: 05/07/2015

Most of us are aware of some of Sigmund Freud’s hair-brained concepts…he was, after all, a product of his time. That time was only 100 years ago.


In this lovely Huffington Post compilation of 12 seminal concepts still providing the cornerstones of contemporary understanding of human motivations and functioning, we see he nailed it more often than not. Much or our language has changed in how we talk about the concepts, for instance the neuro-physiological correlates of Freud’s ‘id’ is the dopamine reward system, and ‘ego’, which is now called ‘the executive function.’

Happy Birthday Sigmund Freud.