(202) 510-1141 Karenna Armington LICSW Karenna@ArmingtonTherapy.com

Enough already about the terrible college students of today.

Jeffrey Slingo’s Washington Post article, Helicopter Parents Are Not The Only Problem. Colleges Coddle Students, Too is a classic. Clueless, condemning, and poorly researched reflections from a disconnected critic. I feel deeply saddened by the repetition of the older generation and their abysmal misunderstanding of the entire ecosystem that they are berating. And, this is news?

It is time to stop perpetuating the myth that millennials are coddled, lack resilience and are ill equipped for the future. And it’s time for the media to stop publishing their concerns based on myopic antiquated measures.

I was pleased to see Sophia A McClennen’s November 5th truth-out.org Op-Ed titled Coddled College Kids Aren’t the Problem – the Lies About Them Are. Sophia’s work is at least a starting point for a conversation that looks at the hereto forth unfathomable challenges the millennials have faced which previous generations are oblivious about.